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2019年成人高考专升本英语预测试卷 (二)

上海成考网 上海成考 2019-10-10 14:09 交流群+

【摘要】【导读】 上海成考网 分享:2019年成人高考专升本英语预测试卷 (二),更多全国成人高考备考复习资料可关注 上海成考网串讲笔记 。 Ⅰ. Phonetics (5 points ) Directions: In each of the following...

【导读】上海成考网分享:2019年成人高考专升本英语预测试卷 (二),更多全国成人高考备考复习资料可关注上海成考网串讲笔记
Ⅰ. Phonetics (5 points )
Directions: In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letter
combinations marked A, B, C and D. Compare the underlined parts and identify the one that is
different from the others in pronunciation. Mark your answer by blackening the corresponding
letter on the Answer Sheet.
1.A. meat B. ready C. pleasure D. wealth
2.A. enough B. trouser C. count D. ground
3.A. dictionary B. station C. question D. congratulation
4.A. relative B. delay C. connect D. chest
5.A. portrait B. worn C. forbid D. storm
Ⅱ. Vocabulary and Structure (15 points)
Directions: There are 15 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are
four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and
blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.
6. You have the right to live ______ you want.
A. there B. in which C. where D. here
7. They rose one after ______ and walked out.
A. the other B. each other C. others D. another
8. Oh, ______ you have drawn!
A. what beautiful a picture B. how beautiful a picture
C. what a beautiful picture D. how a beautiful picture
9. It was in 1961 ______ John F. Kennedy became president of the United States.
A. when B. and C. that D. the
10. ______ to hurt her feelings, he did not tell her the truth.
A. Not to want B. Not wanting C. To want not D. Wanting not
11. The committee ______ a conclusion only after days of discussion.
A. achieved B. reached C. arrived D. completed
12. She asked that the letter be ______ in order that the contents should remain a secret.
A. eliminated B. ruined C. destroyed D. spoiled
13. A dog was ______ by a bus and killed.
A. run over B. taken over C. felled down D. tripped up
14. He was standing by an electric heater, and his nightdress ______ fire.
A. took B. caught C. started D. set
15. In spite of the thunderstorm, the children slept ______ all night.
A. noisily B. sensitively C. soundly D. quickly
16. The visit of the President will increase the ______ between the two countries.
A. peace B. knowledge C. understanding D. assistance
17. Mr. Smith promised me a good position and ______.
A. to pay me a fair salary B. a fair salary
C. paying me a fair salary D. pay me a fair salary
18. Peter said that he wouldn’t mind ______ the windows.
A. my opening B. I open C. me to open D. for me to open
19. In the newspaper, we can learn ______ is going on in the world.
A. that B. which C. who D. what
20. It is curious how children always behave much worse when they are ______ holiday.
A. on B. in C. at D. for
Ⅲ. Cloze (30 points)
Directions: For each blank in the following passage, there are four choices given below and
marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that is most suitable and mark your answer by blackening
the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.
Mr. Adamson enjoys playing the violin in his spare time. He is often carried away by his
own 21 . But it is a 22 time for his neighbors when Mr. Adamson plays as he 23 so badly.
One day Mr. Adamson sat by a window and began to play the violin as usual. Mr. Adamson
seemed to be making 25 instead of music, but he was so 26 that he almost forgot what he was
doing. Just then, some stones were thrown out of the window under 27 Mr. Adamson was sitting,
but he did not pay any attention to it. The "music" continued .After a little while, an empty bottle
and a worn-out shoe were thrown out of the window, 29. Only then did Mr. Adamson know that
this was not the 30 for him to play in. Mr. Adamson was very sad. He thought, " 32 no living
people can understand my music, I should go to a place where people may appreciate my works."
So he decided to go to a graveyard(墓地).
He came to a graveyard where there is no other 33 except the church toll(钟声). Mr.
Adamson sat at a grave and thought 34 . "I must do my best to show that my music is
outstanding(出色的). "The more he thought, the more inspired he was, and 36 he began to play his
violin. Suddenly a bare foot stretched(伸) out from the 37 and gave Mr. Adamson a heavy kick
which sent him flying. His violin also dropped from his hand. Mr. Adamson felt very sad 39 his
work was not accepted by anyone, not even the 40 .
21. A. violin B. music C. noise D. sound
22. A. terrible B. useless C. wonderful D. long
23. A. sings B. shouted C. played D. does
24. A. sound B. something C. noise D. voice
25. A. angry B. excited C. comfortable D. disappointed
26. A. which B. it C. that D. where
27. A. together B. slowly C. too D. again
28. A. room B. music C. violin D. place
29. A. Perhaps B. Though C. If D. Even
30. A. person B. building C. thing D. sound
31. A. anything B. his music C. a lot D. hardly
32. A. first B. again C. finally D. later
33. A. graveyard B. window C. tree D. church
34. A. when B. and C. because D. so
35. A. graveyard B. children C. people D. dead
Ⅳ . Reading Comprehension (60 points)
Directions: There are five reading passages in this part Each passage is followed by four
questions. For each question there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose one
best answer and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.
Passage one
Coin collection is one of the oldest known hobbies. In the past it was often enjoyed by kings
and scholars. It is also a pleasant way of saving.
The designs on coins tell many stories. The coins of a country often are a record of its history
and geography. Some ancient coins tell us all we know about a country or a period of history.
They bring us portraits of rulers who would be otherwise (否则) unknown. Coins tell us about the
art, religion, dress and hairstyles of people who lived long ago.
Your special interests will help you decide the kind of coin collection you would like to have.
You may wish to collect the coins of one country or one part of the world. Or you may want your
collection to contain coins from all over the world in certain period of time.
Some people choose to collect the coins of their own country, while others are interested in
ancient Greek and Roman coins that visitors bring back from foreign countries can be the
beginning of a collection.
Another way to start a collection is to select the best examples of coins now in use. You may
be able to collect an interesting series of United States coins with different dates.
To get the most enjoyment from your hobby of coin collecting, read as much as you can on
the subject. Try to form a group of collector friends. If you have an old or foreign coin, find out
where and when it was made, its name and value, and what you could have bought with it when it
was in use.
There are many ways to arrange coin collections. Some collectors keep their coins in small
square (正方形) envelopes. A complete description (描述) of the coins should be written on the
outside of the envelopes. These envelopes are arranged in cardboard boxes.
Never clean a coin unless it is caked with dirt. Remove the dirt with soap and warm water.
Do not use anything hard. This will damage both the looks and value of the coin.
36. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the selection as a benefit of the ways
mentioned in the selection is ______.
A. you can increase your knowledge of history.
B. you can learn about the geography of some countries.
C. you can have some ideas of how people lived in the old days.
D. you can buy things with the coins you have.
37. You can get the most enjoyment from your collection of coins ______.
A. if you try to learn as much as possible from the coins you have in your collection
B. if you get a lot of money selling them
C. if you clean them every now and then
D. if you can arrange them in different ways
38. There are several ways to arrange your coins. The way recommended in the selection is
A. to put them in bags
B. to keep them in small envelopes
C. to keep them in glass cases
D. to keep them in a jar
39. In order to keep the coins clean, you should ______.
A. clean them whenever you have time
B. clean them every month
C. clean them with hot water
D. clean them with warm water


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